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Healthcare team



Lead pharmacist

District nurses

There is a district nurse team attached to the practice. They provide nursing care for patients of all age groups in their own home to patients who are housebound and need long term care, wound/ulcer dressing, insulin injections and care of patients who may be terminally ill.

The district nurses liaise with your doctor, other members of the healthcare team and social services to ensure the best possible care is provided. Your GP will refer you if they feel you will benefit from the help of a district nurse.

Community midwife

The community midwives can be contacted on 020 8401 3171 at Croydon University Hospital for advice. We do have antenatal appointments at the practice for those expectant mothers who need to be seen by the GP and you will be told at what time during your pregnancy you need to see the GP.

Page published: 5 May 2023
Last updated: 17 December 2024